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[美] 愛美蘿哈里斯的歌藝人生:明星卡司致敬演唱會 (V.A. / The Life & Songs of Emmylou Harris: An All-Star Concert Celebration) (2015)
愛美蘿哈里斯的歌藝人生:明星卡司致敬演唱會 V.A. / The Life & Songs of Emmylou Harris: An All-Star Concert Celebration
★參與盛會的陣容包括:9座葛萊美獎搖滾女歌手Sheryl Crown,葛萊美獎最佳鄉村女歌手Mary Chapin Carpenter,葛萊美獎女歌手Shawn Colvin,20座葛萊美獎得主Vince Gill,27座葛萊美獎女歌手Alison Krauss,21首全美熱門鄉村歌曲榜TOP 10暢銷曲女歌手Martina McBride
原聲DTS-HD5.1 無字幕
1. One Of These Days - Buddy Miller
2. Will The Circle Be Unbroken - Mavis Staples
3. Red Dirt Girl - Shawn Colvin
4. Michelangelo - The Milk Carton Kids
5. Wheels - Chris Hillman & Herb Pedersen
6. Orphan Girl - Holly Williams & Chris Coleman
7. Bluebird Wine - Trampled By Turtles
8. Hickory Wind - Lucinda Williams
9. You're Still On My Mind - Rodney Crowell
10. Born To Run - Lee Ann Womack
11. When We're Gone, Long Gone - John Starling & Emmylou Harris
12. Blackhawk - Daniel Lanois & Emmylou Harris
13. Wrecking Ball- Iron & Wine, Daniel Lanois
14. Leaving Louisiana In The Broad Daylight - Shovels & Rope
15. All The Roadrunning - Mary Chapin Carpenter & Vince Gill
16. The Pearl - Conor Oberst, Shawn Colvin & Patty Griffin
17. When I Stop Dreaming - Martina McBride
18. Prayer In Open D - Patty Griffin
19. Pancho And Lefty - Steve Earle, Lee Ann Womack & Herb Pedersen
20. Together Again - Vince Gill
21. Two More Bottles of Wine - Sheryl Crow, Vince Gill
22. Loving Her Was Easier (Than Anything I'll Ever Do Again) - Kris Kristofferson
23. Till l Gain Control Again - Alison Krauss
24. Cash On The Barrelhead - Alison Krauss
25. Boulder To Birmingham - Emmylou Harris (with Full Ensemble)
Bonus : [00:08:04]
26. Sin City - Steve Earle
27. Darkest Hour Is Just Before Dawn - Sara Watkins
Recorded at Dar Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C. January 10, 2015 |